ARE YOUR EXPECTATIONS TOO HIGH?- The hard truth about meeting your perfect match.


I think it’s safe to say that most of us girls have a laundry list of qualities that we look for in a partner. We know how tall we want him, how successful we want him, how we want him to treat his mom (super sweet, but not a total mama’s boy, right?), and the list goes on. Sometimes you find someone who meets all of these expectations. But, chances are, if you’re single and reading this, then that’s probably not the case for you. So I’m not here to tell you to settle for less and throw your expectations out the window. But, if you’re wondering why it’s so hard to find Mr. Right, I think you should answer this one question:


At first, you may think to yourself “What is this crazy bitch talking about? I’m amazing”. Sure, you may be pretty, smart, and kind. But, do you truly meet the standards you’ve set for your future partner? I’m not talking the basics or what you see on the surface, but the real nitty-gritty details. Do you go out and party every weekend, but you want the guy who’s up every Sunday morning for a run? Are you a “Debbie Downer”, but want someone who’s full of rainbows and sunshine? Do you expect your future guy to be able to change a tire and hang a TV, but you can barely boil water? Yes, I know that the world is evolving and we’re blurring the lines of gender roles, but all I’m saying is that if you want a traditional guy, then you better be a traditional gal. I find too many girls living a life that doesn’t allow space for someone great to walk into it.

I’m not saying that you should sit home knitting sweaters or compromise any modern thinking to be able to meet someone. But, be realistic about what you’re looking for. They say nothing changes if nothing changes. Treat your love life like a boomerang! Whatever you’re putting out is what you’re going to get back. If you want someone successful, work on your own success. If you want someone confident, work on your own confidence. You catch my drift?

xo KP

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