BUILD ( or re-build) YOUR BIZ IN 90 DAYS

Dive into my 90-Day Private Coaching Intensive


Over 90 days, you and I will team up to lay the foundations and build the business of your dreams. Here's what's on the agenda:

  • Finding Your Spot: We'll zero in on your niche and figure out who you're talking to. It's all about making sure your message lands with the right crowd.

  • Creating Your Offers: Together, we'll design a lead magnet, services, and an offer suite that’s just right for your niche, vibes with your Human Design, and fits into the life you want to lead.

  • Pricing and Strategy: I'll help you nail down your pricing and strategize to hit those income goals.

  • Building Your Online World: I've got your back in setting up all the online bits and pieces you need, like your website, social media, and landing pages.

  • Content Planning: We'll map out your first month of content to make sure you hit the ground running.

  • Setting Up Systems: I'll guide you through choosing and setting up the systems and automations that will make your life easier.

  • Branding and Messaging: We’ll craft a branding and messaging strategy that gets your ideal clients excited to work with you.

But Why Me? Here's My Story...

I've been in your shoes—lost in the sea of online business advice, spending way too much on courses and coaches that led nowhere. After two years, countless dollars, and too many false starts, I found my path through Human Design. It taught me to cut through the noise, align my business with my true self, and now, I'm here to do the same for you.

After Our 90 Days Together, Imagine This:

  • Clarity and Confidence: No more confusion. You'll know your business inside and out, confident in your direction and offerings.

  • Save Time and Money: Forget the endless spending on what doesn't work. I'll guide you to make smart, strategic decisions that pay off.

  • Freedom to Live Your Life: With your business running smoothly, you'll have more freedom than ever to enjoy your life.

  • A Business That Grows With You: Built on a foundation that aligns with your deepest desires, ready to scale up whenever you are.


Q: Is this coaching right for me?

A: If you're diving into the online biz world as a coach, consultant, or content creator and you're ready for a serious level-up, then yes! Especially if you're keen on building a business that's a true reflection of you.

Q: What makes your approach special?

A: It's all about personalization. I dive deep into your Human Design to ensure your business feels like a second skin. It’s not just about the strategies; it’s about making sure they resonate with your unique energy.

Q: Tech stuff freaks me out. Can I still do this?

A: Absolutely. I'll walk you through the technical bits at your pace, ensuring you feel confident and in control of your digital empire.

Q: What if I'm new to Human Design?

A: Perfect! I love introducing people to Human Design. It’s a powerful tool that we'll explore together to ensure your business activities are in harmony with your natural strengths.

Q: What about the investment? Are there payment options?

A: The 90 Day Intensive is an investment of $2,250. If dropping the full amount at once feels like a stretch, you can opt for my payment plan. It's 3 easy monthly installments of $825 each.