Posts tagged dating tips
3 Things to Stop Doing After First Dates

First dates come with lots of nerves and questions.

What should I wear? Should I offer to split the bill? What should I talk about?

Everyone talks about what to do on a first date, but what you do after is even more important. Managing your expectations and behaviors is the key to dating with purpose. Stop doing these 3 things after a first date.

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7 Manifestation Tricks for Your Love Life

Similarly to yoga or meditation, it’s a practice. It’s not something that one perfects, but rather becomes a conscious effort to practice. I’ve consciously and subconsciously used the Law of Attraction to manifest many beautiful things into my life, including my relationship with my boyfriend

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Signs You Might Be Settling For The Wrong Guy

Finding your other half can happen at any age or stage of your life. It’s an amazing feeling to know that you’ve found your person. Choosing the right partner adds value and joy to your life, in a way that nothing else can. But, for some people, finding love can be a box to check off on their list. Here are some signs that you might be settling in your relationship.

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