3 Things to Stop Doing After First Dates

First dates come with lots of nerves and questions. 

What should I wear? Should I offer to split the bill? What should I talk about? 

Everyone talks about what to do on a first date, but what you do after is even more important. Managing your expectations and behaviors is the key to dating with purpose. Stop doing these 3 things after a first date. 

One: Fantasizing About Your Future Together

So, your date went well? GREAT! But, don’t start planning your wedding just yet. It’s encouraging to see potential after a first date, just don’t fall in love with that potential. You may find yourself falling into this trap, especially if you’re used to disappointment. So, start thinking of first dates as auditions for a second date, rather than a marriage interview. It’s important to stay as objective as possible and keep your focus. 

Two: Cyberstalking

Let’s be honest, you probably Googled him the minute he asked you to go for drinks. If you must research him, do enough to feel safe and know you’re not meeting a catfish. Leave it at that. Social media allows us to manipulate how others perceive us, so it’s easy to start building up (or tearing down) someone who you haven’t gotten the chance to really know.

Three: Expecting to Hear From Him Right Away 

It’s completely normal to not hear from a guy for a few days, or even a week, after your first date. No one wants to appear too eager. Men are natural hunters and pursuers, so allow them to do that. Lean back, stop waiting by the phone, and allow him to continue pursuing you. 

PS- I’m launching a FREE dating workbook soon, so make sure to sign up with your email below to stay notified!