20 Things I Learned About Dating in My 20s.

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  1. Think carefully about what you want to say before starting an argument

  2. Lust and love are two very different things that often times get confused

  3. Insecure men will hurt you more than the confident ones. Don’t take it personally.

  4. Don’t compare your relationship(s) to anyone else’s. Everything looks better from the outside.

  5. Opposites don’t always attract. It’s important to have a lot in common. 

  6. NOTHING is worth lying about.

  7. Once you poke a hole in your relationship, it’s hard to stop it from growing.

  8. If someone doesn’t want to change, they won’t.

  9. “The one” isn’t supposed to make you feel butterflies, but rather a sense of calm.

  10. Don’t date a serial monogamist.

  11. Putting your happiness in someone else’s hands is a lot of responsibility. It’s up to YOU to make your own happiness.

  12. Don’t get into a serious relationship if you’re not willing to compromise.

  13. If you have to beg for something, it’s not worth having.

  14. Don’t punish someone new for what your ex has done to you in the past.

  15. Stop questioning what’s wrong with you. Sometimes you're just not someone’s “type”.

  16. Girls wait for the right person, guys wait for the right time. 

  17. Always find the time to see your friends and family.

  18. If he looks like a cheater, smells like a cheater, acts like a cheater, (has cheated on all his past girlfriends, and flirts with other girls) then, he’s probably a cheater.

  19. It’s better to wait a lifetime for the right person, than to settle right now for the wrong one.

  20. Don’t drunk text.