Do we feel uneasy when relationships are "too easy"?


I’ve been known to get into serious relationships kicking and screaming. Why? Because, in my eyes, relationships suck! Or, at least all of mine have. They start off nice, and by nice I mean they start off with me ignoring a bunch of red flags. I’m either waiting around for a text back (haha) or having a guy constantly cancel plans. Playing games has become the new norm- How soon is too soon to text back? Should I like his pic? Should I pretend I have other plans tonight? Ughhhh, just thinking about it makes me sick. So, when a guy comes along, who doesn’t play games, why do I FREAK OUT? Do I enjoy torturing myself? No, not really. But, I do feel a certain amount of uneasiness when things are easy. I cant help but think “When’s the shit going to hit the fan”? Is it that hard to believe that someone actually likes me? So,when things are easy girls just say “He’s, just, I don’t know, too nice”.. and let the self-sabotaging commence! Am I the only one who feels this way? Let me know!

Thanks for reading

xo KP

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