Kristina Persson

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To all of the "unlovable" girls...

For a long time, I felt unloveable. Sure, my friends and family love me and I’ve been “in love” before. But, I’ve never really felt that I can be myself with someone. I’ve never had someone fall in love with ALL of me. I was never the girl who had guys banging the door down. Sure, I’d get hit on and date. But, no one was ever quite crazy about me. 

I’d get told I was intimidating and unapproachable, too funny for a girl, and that I enjoyed going out too much. I started to believe these things made me impossible to love. I started to believe that my confidence was perceived as cockiness and that my partying proved my “daddy issues” to be real. I kept wondering what I had to change about me and decided that I’d probably never be loved at all. 

NEW FLASH: That’s a bunch of horse shit. 

I know I’m not the only one out there who feels like they’re too outgoing, too opinionated, too fat, too ugly, or too broken to be loved. It’s a crippling feeling to think that you have to dull your sparkle to find a partner and that you’ll never fit someone’s criteria for a soulmate. But, that’s only true if YOU choose to believe it is. 

My point here is that not everyone is going to love you. THAT’S OKAY. Take your ego out of it, focus on loving yourself, and don’t settle for less than your perfect match. Don’t change (unless it’s to better yourself) just to appear more desirable. The more you’re in love with you, the more someone else will be in love with you too. 

Bottom line, LOVE YO SELF.

xo KP

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