Kristina Persson

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DO GUYS ONLY SWIPE RIGHT?.. Inside the mind of a man on Bumble.

You ever swipe right on a super hot guy, surprised to see that you’ve made a match? You might’ve swiped knowing he’s out of your league, but then he swiped right on you too! The ego boost is kinda nice. Maybe you send a message, maybe you chicken out, maybe you get a response, maybe you don’t. I don’t know about you guys, but online dating creeps me out. I go on and swipe when I’m bored, convincing myself that I’ll finally go on a date (still hasn’t happened). I probably won’t find my soultmate through my phone, but I still find myself being super picky.

Too many selfies? SWIPE LEFT. 

Wearing Sperry’s? SWIPE LEFT.  

I once swiped left because his bio said “plant based”.  No bacon, no boyfriend! 

But as it turns out, guys are not nearly as picky as we are. Some are not picky at all! There are actually guys out there that ONLY SWIPE RIGHT. I was talking to this cute, sweet guy I know, wondering why he’s still on the market. I suggested he maybe try Bumble. Here’s how our conversation went.

Me: “Have you tried Bumble”?

Blue-eyed cutie: “I used to use Bumble a lot, but mostly matched with girls who aren’t my type”

Me: “So, if they weren’t your type why did you swipe right”? 

Blue-eyed cutie: “Cause I just swipe right on everyone” 

Me: *blank stares* 

He then went on to tell me that he would keep swiping right, which would help him match quicker. He would ignore messages from matches he didn’t like or wait for them to time out. As he’s explaining his method, I’m thinking “Is this guy crazy or what”?! However, after a few days have passed, I’m thinking he might actually be brilliant. Should we be swiping now and looking later?