Kristina Persson

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7 Manifestation Tricks for Your Love Life

When I was 17, I watched The Secret with my parents. The movie was a documentary about the Law of Attraction and manifestation. I learned that we are in control of our own thoughts, and ultimately, our own lives. It’s not just about positive thinking, but the actions behind attracting everything you may want and need. Similarly to yoga or meditation, it’s a practice. It’s not something that one perfects, but rather becomes a conscious effort to practice. I’ve consciously and subconsciously used the Law of Attraction to manifest many beautiful things into my life, including my relationship with my boyfriend. I am forever learning and evolving my manifestation techniques. Here is my 7-step concise guide to helping you attract a happy and healthy relationship. You can also get these steps in my FREE WORKBOOK now.

One: Clarity

You can’t have what you want, if you don’t know what you want. Take the time to solidify 5-10 non-negotiable qualities that you’d like for your dream partner to have. Get as specific as possible and concentrate on how you will feel when you’re with this person. You can absolutely include physical attribute, but focus on feelings.

Two: Visualization

There are many ways that you can visualize, such as meditation, journaling, and vision boards. Get some pen and paper and write about the perfect day-in-the-life with you and your new dream partner. Again, get as specific as possible and then read back what you wrote to yourself and imagine what it would be like to spend the day with your dream partner.

Three: Gratitude

While you are manifesting your future, don’t forget about your present. Even though your dream partner isn’t here, there’s still so much to be grateful for. Be grateful for anything that’s happened in your past, because it brought you to where you are today. Be grateful for that relationship that didn’t work out, because it taught you about what you really want. Be grateful for non-romantic relationships in your life because friends and family are very important. (It helps to write these down)

Four: Be What You Want to Attract

When you feel happy and healthy, you will attract people who are happy and healthy. Take the time every day to nourish your mind and your body. Do what makes you feel good. Work on confidence, peace of mind, and whatever else you may need to feel ready to let your dream partner fit into your life.

Five: Let Go

Let go of what no longer serves you so you can make room in your life for your dream partner. This may mean blocking your ex on social media, refraining from meaningless hookups, and/or cutting ties with “placeholder boyfriends”. I even suggest getting rid of old photos and gifts from past relationships, especially if they are keeping you tied to the past.

Six: Abundance

Work on detaching yourself from a lack mindset. Don’t make decisions about your love life based on fear or desperation. Don’t say yes to dates you don’t want to go on. Don’t stay with the wrong person because you don’t think there’s better. Don’t do anything from a source of fear or desperation. There is more than enough love, happiness, money, etc to go around.

Seven: Surrender

You can take every previous step, but if you don’t believe and surrender, the universe will not give you what you want. Set your intentions and desires, believe that you will receive them (because you deserve it), and let it go.

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