Kristina Persson

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Girl, we’ve all been there. One day you’re talking to a guy and things are going great. Then, the next day- POOF, he’s gone! He starts ignoring your texts, avoiding you on social media, and virtually drops off the face of the earth. Whether you’ve only been chatting or actually dating, it doesn’t make things any less insulting. In an attempt to understand what has happened, many of us will respond in similar, unnecessary ways. Maybe you text him as though nothing happened “He probably didn’t see my last 3 texts”. Maybe you call him out on ignoring you “Are you alive, dude”?! Then the dwelling begins! “What’s wrong with me”, “He’s such a jerk”, “Why does this always happen to me”? BLAH BLAH BLAH. So, I’m about to tell you something that you may not like.. Ready?.. You sure?


Yup, get over it! You may be thinking “Wow, KP, you insensitive bitch! I really liked that guy”! Believe me, I get it. I’ve been there many times. I’ve double texted, called guys out, cried, shit-talked, and boy-bashed a ton. Guess what, none of that helped me! But, here’s what did:

I DECIDED TO NEVER REACH OUT AGAIN. Why in the world would I give more attention to someone who acted like a jerk? I realized that reaching out to a guy who stopped texting me just made me look kind of pathetic!

I STOPPED THE SHIT-TALKING. In a perfect world, guys wouldn’t ghost us. They would be honest and tell us they’re just not feeling it. But, the world isn’t perfect, and guys are clueless! Ghosting is the new norm, so we better get used to it. Ghosting doesn’t make someone a terrible person!! Why bash them because they’re a poor communicator? It’s ghosting, not murder!

I STARTED EVALUATING MY OWN BEHAVIOR. I’m not suggesting that being ghosted is your fault. But, you might want to reflect on consistent patterns. If you typically text him a daily play-by-play, preventing any mystery, this could be off-putting. If you double text when they don’t answer you right away, this can be overwhelming. Step back and think about what could possibly send them running.

I DON’T WANT TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO WOULD GHOST ME. Yeah, maybe he’s hot and seemed like my perfect match. But, if he’s going to stop talking to me, without any warning, I don’t want him anyway!

I REALIZED THAT GUYS DON’T OWE ME ANYTHING. If you’re not in a committed relationship, then a guy doesn’t really owe you anything! Yes, it’s definitely immature and disrespectful to ghost someone. But, at the end of the day, he doesn’t owe you closure.

In conclusion, a little pride goes a long way! Next time, skip the pity party and move onto the next one!